Life is about cycles and why you should learn to be patient

Lucca Mello
3 min readAug 30, 2015


I do not know what exactly I am starting to write this text on Medium at dawn. Maybe, it is just to prove myself that everyone can start and finish something E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E. I also think that this is the story of my life — start something and try to finished then — I always had to initiate all kind of adventures, start and restart courses at University, go ahead with challenges that I gave up.

I really really hate spend time and not finish things that I would like to learn, to do, to build, to invent, reinvent.

Mathematicians had the habits saying that the shortest distance between two points is a straight. I do not like to agree with that, but I know that life is not an exact science like math, but I have a HUGE difficult to connect these dots, I always had.

And I am not talking — yet — with all this noise talk “If I can do something, everyone can do something too”. The problem here as you can see it’s about start things and not finish then. This is the story of my life, better saying, it was.

During last year, I have learned to be more patient. Unfortunately, I broke my knee ligaments and learn to walk again like as a small child learn to take its first steps too. One of my thoughts that accompanied me during this period it’s that life is about cycles.

What I would say with that is that nothing is so bad that lasts a long time and nothing good will last forever

As you can see in the picture above, on last year I implemented myself Kanban Board, as my TO DO list just to check if I would be able to finish something important that I challenge myself to do it. To be honest with you, I am not using anymore this method. It was always on my mind, I always had the “one second of weakness” that ruined everything.

The advantage of doing Kanban Board to my personal things? Motivation.

I was in a period that baby steps are big challenges and I did care with all these baby steps because they are the REAL contest for me. So, I started to care myself with ALL baby steps, and when you start to do this it’s the first step to finish something bigger.

When I said before that life is about cycles and I am sure it is, because we have to try to be always positive, try to find something that really matters, try to explore a field that you never care too much but always feel challenged. Because you know, one hour things get more difficult and it always good to face with good moods and it is a good time to reinvent yourself.

But remember: be patient and things do not fall in your hands if you do not do your first step.



Lucca Mello

SAP Support Engineer | Data Science | Statistics | Apprentice. Of. Everything.